Journal Publications
"Tariffs on clean-energy technology" Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 1-7, 2024.
"An Introduction to Distributional Consequences of New Energy Technologies and Policies" (with Catherine Hausman and Shanjun Li) Journal of the Association of Environmental and resource Economists 11(S1) 2024.
"Are Developed Countries Outsourcing Pollution?” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 37(3):87-110.
"Who Values Future Energy Savings? Evidence from American Drivers" (with Lutz Sager) Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 10(3), May 2023.
"Renewable Portfolio Standards" (with Rachel Feldman) The Energy Journal, 2023. (Online appendix.)
"When Can Benefit Cost Analyses Ignore Secondary Markets?" (with Matthew Kotchen) Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 14(1), 2022.
"How Trade Policy Can Support the Climate Agenda" (with 32 authors involved in the Edward Elgar Handbook) Science 2022: 1401-14.
"The Electric Gini: Income Redistribution through Energy Prices” (with Emilson Silva) American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 14(2), 2022.
"Energy Intensity: Deindustrialization, Composition, Prices, and Policies in U.S. States" Resource and Energy Economics, volume 65, August 2021. Working paper version here.
"The Role of Retrospective Analysis in an Era of Deregulation: Lessons from the US Mercury and Air Toxics Standards" (with Mary Evans, Karen Palmer, Joseph Aldy, Meredith Fowlie, Matthew Kotchen) Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 15(1), winter 2021.
"America’s Regressive Wealth Tax: State and Local Property Taxes" Applied Economics Letters, 2020, 1-5. Working paper version here.
"Co-Benefits and Regulatory Impact Analysis: Theory and Evidence from Federal Air Quality Regulations" (with Joseph Aldy, Matthew Kotchen, Mary Evans, Meredith Fowlie, and Karen Palmer) Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy, volume 2, 2020.
"Deep Flaws in a Mercury Regulatory Analysis" (with Joseph Aldy, Matthew Kotchen, Mary Evans, Meredith Fowlie, and Karen Palmer) Science April 10, 2020.
"Energy Efficiency Standards Are More Regressive Than Energy Taxes: Theory and Evidence" Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 6(S1), 2019.
"Environmental Engel Curves: Indirect Emissions of Common Air Pollutants" (with James O'Brien) Review of Economics and Statistics, 101(1), 2019.
"Misreporting Trade: Tariff Evasion, Corruption, and Auditing Standards" (with Derek Kellenberg) Review of International Economics, 27(1), 2018.
"Mercury and Air Toxics Standards: Co-Benefits and the Courts in U.S. Cost-Benefit Analysis Case Studies in the Environment, University of California Press, 2(1), 2018.
"Environmental Protectionism: The Case of CAFE" Economics Letters, 160(1), 2017.
"Automobile Fuel Economy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards (with Grady Killeen) Case Studies in the Environment, University of California Press, October 2017.
"How Much Energy Do Building Energy Codes Save? Evidence from California Houses" American Economic Review 106(10), 2016.
A Freakonomics podcast about the working paper version.
"Measuring Environmental Regulatory Stringency" (with Claire Brunel) Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 10(1), 2016.
"A Direct Estimate of the Technique Effect: Changes in the Pollution Intensity of US Manufacturing 1990-2008" Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 2(1), March 2015.
"California Energy Efficiency: Lessons for the Rest of the World, or Not?" Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 107, 2014.
"Waste of Effort?: International Environmental Agreements" (with Derek Kellenberg) Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 1(1), 2014.
"Valuing Public Goods Using Happiness Data: The Case of Air Quality" Journal of Public Economics 96(9-10), October 2012.
"Pollution and International Trade in Services" International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 10(2), June 2010.
"Offshoring pollution: Is the U.S. increasingly importing polluting goods?" Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 4(1), Winter 2010.
"Technology, International Trade, and Pollution from U.S. Manufacturing" American Economic Review 99(5), December 2009.
Reprinted in Recent Papers on Trade and the Environment, Brian R. Copeland, ed. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
"Unmasking the Pollution Haven Effect" (with Scott Taylor) International Economic Review 49(1), February 2008.
Reprinted in Recent Papers on International Trade, Brian R. Copeland, ed. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
"Budget Rules and State Business Cycles: A Comment" Public Finance Review 35(7), July 2007.
"Employee cost-sharing and the welfare effects of Flexible Spending Accounts" (with William Jack and Sjamsu Rahardja) Journal of Public Economics 90(12), December 2006.
"Labor Supply Effects of the Earned Income Tax Credit: Evidence from Wisconsin's Supplemental Benefit for Families with Three Children" (with Maria Cancian) National Tax Journal, December 2006.
"Trade Liberalization and Pollution Havens" (with Josh Ederington and Jenny Minier), Advances in Economic Analysis and Policy 4(2) 2004.
Reprinted in The Economics of Pollution Havens, Don Fullerton ed. Edward Elgar Press 2006.
"Footloose and Pollution-Free" (with Josh Ederington and Jenny Minier) Review of Economics and Statistics 87(1), 2005.
Reprinted in Recent Papers on Trade and the Environment, Brian R. Copeland, ed. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
"Willingness to Pay for Environmental Quality: Testable Empirical Implications of the Growth and Environment Literature" with (Debra Israel) Contributions to Economic Analysis and Policy 3(1) 2004.
Reprinted in Is the Environment a Luxury? Silvia Tiezzi and Chiara Martini, eds., Routledge 2014.
"Energy Use by Apartment Tenants when Landlords Pay for Utilities" (with Scott Niemann) Resource and Energy Economics, 26(1), March 2004.
"Examining the Evidence on Environmental Regulations and Industry Location" (with Smita Brunnermeier) Journal of the Environment and Development 13(1), March 2004.
Reprinted in Environmental Planning, Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh, ed., Edward Elgar 2007.
"Environmental Regulatory Competition: A Status Report and Some New Evidence" National Tax Journal 56(1), March 2003.
"Pollution Abatement Costs and FDI Inflows to U.S. States" (with Wolfgang Keller) Review of Economics and Statistics 84(4), November 2002.
Reprinted in Recent Papers on Trade and the Environment, Brian R. Copeland, ed. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
"Reexamining the Empirical Evidence for an Environmental Kuznets Curve" (with Bill Harbaugh and Dave Wilson) Review of Economics and Statistics 84(3), August 2002.
Reprinted in Environmental Economics: Critical Concepts in the Environment, Chuck Mason and Erwin Bulte, eds., Routledge 2007.
"The Simple Analytics of the Environmental Kuznets Curve" (with James Andreoni) Journal of Public Economics80(2), May 2001.
"The Missing Pollution Haven Effect: Examining Some Common Explanations" Environmental and Resource Economics 15(4), April 2000.
"NIMBY Taxes Matter: The Case of State Hazardous Waste Disposal Taxes" Journal of Public Economics 74(1), October 1999.
Reprinted in The Economics of Hazardous Waste and Contaminated Land, Hilary Sigman, ed., Edward Elgar, 2007.
"State Taxes and Interstate Hazardous Waste Shipments" American Economic Review 89(3), June 1999.
Reprinted in Environmental Taxation in Practice, Thomas Sterner and Adrian Muller, eds., Ashgate Press, November 2006.
"Grandfather Regulations, New Source Bias, and State Air Toxics Regulations" Ecological Economics 28(2), February 1999.
"Rainy Day Funds and State Government Savings" (with Brian Knight) National Tax Journal 52(3), September 1999.
"Balanced Budgets and Business Cycles: Evidence From the States" National Tax Journal 51(4), December 1998.
"Medicaid Managed Care and Infant Health" with Frank Ullman) Journal of Health Economics 17(3), June 1998.
"Factoring the Environmental Kuznets Curve: Evidence From Automotive Lead Emissions" (with F.G. Hank Hilton) Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 35(2), March 1998.
Reprinted in Controlling Automobile Air Pollution, McConnell and Harrington, eds. Ashgate Publishing, May 2007.
"Why Oppose TDRs?: Transferable Development Rights Can Increase Overall Development" Regional Science and Urban Economics 27(3), June 1997.
"A Note on Environmental Federalism: Interpreting Some Contradictory Results" Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 33(3), 1997.
"Environmental Regulations and Manufacturers' Location Choices: Evidence from the Census of Manufactures"Journal of Public Economics 61(1), 1996.
"Reexamining Teacher Preferences and Compensating Wages" Economics of Education Review 7(3), 1988.
Book chapters, book reviews, comments, and other publications
"Cheaters Usually Do Win in the Classroom" Chronicle of Higher Education December 2, 2024.
"Pollution Intensity" in Dictionary of Ecological Economics. Edward Elgar, 2023.
"Globalization and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Evidence from the United States" (with Claire Brunel) in Handbook on Trade Policy and Climate Change, Michael Jakob, ed., Edward Elgar, 2022.
"Linking climate and social justice makes both harder" (with Don Fullerton), February 2022.
"Op-ed: Gov. J.B. Pritzker is right; States can build back cleaner and better" (with Don Fullerton). Chicago Tribune, November 15, 2021.
"Drivers who spend too much on fuel efficiency" (with Lutz Sager), January 2021.
"Happiness and Air Pollution" in Handbook on Well-being, Happiness, and the Environment, David Maddison, Katrin Rehdanz, and Heinz Welsch, eds., Edward Elgar, 2020.
"America's regressive middle-class wealth tax" The Hill Opinion November 11, 2019.
"A carbon tax would be less regressive than energy efficiency standards", July 2018.
"The hidden American tax on imported cars: Fuel economy standards instead of tariffs" in Economics and Policy in the Age of Trump, Chad Bown ed., June 5, 2017
"Help the environment – Buy a gas guzzler" Fox News Opinion March 7, 2017.
"Believe it! Pollution taxes would help the poor and our environment more than the current system" Fox News Opinion January 4, 2017.
"The trade data gap: Mistakes and malfeasance” (with Derek Kellenberg)", October 2016.
"Environmental Engel Curves" (with James O'Brien), March 2014.
"More evidence for technology's role in the clean-up of manufacturing", September 2014.
"Why Environmentalists Should Worry About The EPA's New Clean Power Plan" Forbes Capital Flows blog. August 11, 2014.
"Waste of effort? International environmental agreements", March 2014.
"Economic consequences of carbon abatement: Some lessons from the past" Quarterly newsletter of the Enel Foundation. February 2014.
"California energy efficiency: Lessons for the rest of the word, or not?", August 2013.
"Belts and Suspenders: Interactions among Climate Policy Regulations" in The Design and Implementation of U.S. Climate Policy, Don Fullerton and Catherine Wolfram eds. University of Chicago Press, 2012.
Comment on “Interactions between State and Federal Climate Change Policies” by Lawrence H. Goulder and Robert N. Stavins in The Design and Implementation of U.S. Climate Policy, Don Fullerton and Catherine Wolfram eds. University of Chicago Press, 2012.
Comments on Alm and Banzhaf “Designing Economic Instruments for the Environment in a Decentralized System” Journal of Economic Surveys (2010).
Comment on “Climate Policy's Uncertain Outcomes for Households: The Role of Complex Allocation Schemes in Cap-and-Trade” The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy. 10(2), November 2010.
Reprinted in Distribution Aspects of Energy and Climate Policy, Mark Cohen, Don Fullerton, and Robert Topel, eds. Edward Elgar.
"Comment on 'Trade Growth, Production Fragmentation, and China's Environment'" by J. Dean and M. Lovely in China's Growing Role in World Trade. R. Feenstra and S. Wei, Editors, U. of Chicago Press, 2010.
Review of Happiness: A Revolution in Economics. Bruno S. Frey. 2008. Journal of Regional Science, 50(5) 1015-1017.
"Happiness as a tool for valuing public goods", September 2009.
"How Significant is the Pollution Content of Trade?," comments prepared for Climate Change, Trade and Competitiveness: Is a Collision Inevitable? The Brookings Institution, 2009.
“Comment on ‘The Economic and Environmental Effects of Border Tax Adjustments for Climate Policy’” Warwick McKibbin and Peter Wilcoxin. Brookings Trade Forum, Climate Change, Trade, and Competitiveness: Is a Collision Inevitable? 2008/9.
"Tax Subsidies for Out-of-Pocket Healthcare Costs" in Using Taxes to Reform Health Insurance, Henry Aaron and Leonard Burman, eds. Brookings Institution, 2008, with Jessica Vistnes and Billy Jack.
"Taxes and the Environment" in The Tax Policy Briefing Book, Urban Institute and Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center, 2008.
"What accounts for the clean-up of US manufacturing: technology or international trade?", January 2008.
"Pollution Haven Hypothesis" entry in New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 2nd edition, 2008.
"Environmental Kuznets Curve" entry in New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 2nd edition, 2008.
"What are the linkages between environmental policies, economic growth and employment?", in Saxe, Henrik and Clemen Rasmussen, eds. Green Roads to Growth. Copenhagen: Environmental Assessment Institute, pp. 28-88. With Clemen Rasmussen, Karsten Staehr, and Kasper Wrang.
Review of New Tools for Environmental Protection: Education, Information, and Voluntary Measures. Dietz and Stern, eds. Journal of Economic Literature, March 2004.
"State Rainy Day Funds and the State Budget Crisis of 2002-?" with Christian Gonzalez, State Tax Notes, 29(6), August 11, 2003.
"The Ups and Downs of the Environmental Kuznets Curve," in John List and Aart de Zeeuw, eds., Recent Advances in Environmental Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2002.
"Measuring Environmental Compliance Costs and Economic Consequences: A Perspective from the U.S.," with Hank Hilton, in Maskus, Keith E. and John S. Wilson, eds, Quantifying the Impact of Technical Barriers to Trade: Can It Be Done? University of Michigan Press, 2001.
"An Industry-Adjusted Index of State Environmental Compliance Costs," in Metcalf, G. and Carrero, C., eds., Behavioral and Distributional Effects of Environmental Policy. University of Chicago Press, 2001.
"Fiscal Institutions in U.S. States" with Brian Knight, in Institutions, Politics and Fiscal Policy . Kluwer Academic Press, 2000.
"Environmental Tax Competition: The Race to the Top in State Hazardous Waste Disposal Taxes" Proceedings of the 89th Annual Conference on Taxation, National Tax Association, 1997.
"Environmental Regulations and Industry Location: International and Domestic Evidence" in Jagdish Bhagwati and Robert Hudec, eds., Fair Trade and Harmonization: Prerequisite for Free Trade? MIT Press, 1996. (Manuscript draft here.)
Working papers
"Carbon Tariffs 101" with Claire Brunel. NBER wp33024.
"Happiness, Behavioral Economics, and Public Policy" NBER wp19329.
"Medicaid Stigma" with Sjamsu Rahardja.
"Efficient Environmental Regulation: Case Studies of Urban Air Pollution in Los Angeles, Mexico City, Cubatao, and Ankara" with Sudhir Shetty, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series #WPS942, August 1992.